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Making the right choices for health and well-being can be challenging. Although we know what is good for us and how we can do — and be — better, we may not act on it, or if we do, we may, in due course, slide back to familiar ways. Human behavior — what we do, how we do it, and whether we will succeed — is influenced by many factors, 2 of which are of particular relevance when it comes to wellness: self-regulation and habits.


Self-regulation is central to effective human functioning . It is “our ability to direct our behavior and control our impulses so that we meet certain standards, achieve certain goals, or reach certain ideals”. It allows us to act in our short- and long-term best interests, consistent with our deepest values (. There’s just one limitation: self-regulation requires mental energy, and the brain is always looking for ways to conserve energy (i.e., save effort).


Habits, in contrast, require very little energy. As Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business says, “Any behavior that can be reduced to a routine is one less behavior that we must spend time and energy consciously thinking about and deciding upon” . With the cognitive economy and performance efficiency of habits, the brain can conserve self-regulatory strength to focus on the important decisions in life, and free us to engage in thoughtful activities, such as reflecting on the past and planning for the future.

Technically, a habit is “a behavior that is recurrent, is cued by a specific context, often happens without much awareness or conscious intent, and is acquired through frequent repetition”. It can be regarded as a formula (or “habit loop”) that the brain automatically follows: “When I see cue, I will do routine in order to get a reward. Studies indicate that once formed, habits become encoded in brain structures and can never truly be eradicated — only replaced with stronger habits. That’s why they are so difficult to change. It’s not just a matter of will-power (i.e., self-regulation); it’s a matter of rewiring the brain. To change a habit, you need to create new routines: Keep the old cue, and deliver the old reward, but insert a new routine.

Habits are powerful. With about 40% of our everyday behavior repeated in the form of habits, they shape our very existence, and ultimately, our future. Habits, in fact, are key to wellness. For better or worse, habits very much influence health, well-being, and quality of life. If you are striving to improve these, you need to think about habits, because if you change your habits for the better, you change your life for the better.

Inserting new routines is not easy. Despite knowing what’s good for us and best intentions, habits tend to keep us doing what we always do. They are difficult to change — any of us can attest to this. But we can maximize the probabilities for success with 2 essentials: self-awareness and strategies. Both are indispensable to successful habit formation.


Change becomes much more achievable if you pay attention to who you are and insert routines that take advantage of your strengths, tendencies, and aptitudes. With self-awareness, you can cultivate the habits that work for you. Consider, for instance, differences in circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms reflect our natural tendencies for sleeping and waking and influence our energy and productivity at different times in the day. The odds of success to improve your fitness won’t increase if, for example, you decide to rise an hour earlier to exercise each day when you happen to be a “night owl” rather than “morning lark.” Self-awareness includes knowledge about other aspects of self as well, such as whether you are a marathoner, sprinter, or procrastinator; under- or over-buyer; simplicity or abundance lover; finisher or opener; and familiarity or novelty lover. It also includes whether you are promotion- or prevention-focused, and whether you like taking small or big steps.


Change also becomes more achievable if you choose strategies that enhance your chance for success. Such strategies include monitoring; scheduling; investing in systems of accountability; abstaining; increasing or decreasing convenience; planning safeguards; detecting rationalizations and false assumptions; using distractions, rewards, and treats; pairing activities; and beginning with habits that directly strengthen self-control. Most successful habit change requires the coordination of multiple strategies to establish a single new behavior, and new habits, on average, take 66 days to form, so the more strategies used the better.

Change your habits, change your life

Sometimes change takes a long time. Sometimes it requires repeated experiments and failures. But for ongoing betterment, the attempts are unquestionably worthwhile and one success often leads to another. When thinking about habits, wellness, and the health, well-being, and quality of life to which you aspire, consider the following: “Are you going to accept yourself or expect more from yourself?” “Are you going to embrace the present or consider the future?” and “Are you going to care about yourself or overlook yourself?”

Wellness is a dynamic, ever-changing, fluctuating process. It is a lifestyle, a personalized approach to living life in a way that allows you to become the best kind of person that your potentials, circumstances, and fate will allow. The past is history; the present and future lie in the choices you make today

Don’t worry about getting it perfect; just get it going, and become the best kind of person you can be.


To impart health education and encourage community in participating in health programs. At the same time, to sensitize about the healthy lifestyles, it's advantages and to encourage alcohol and cigarette cessation programs.


To see happier and healthier communities , employees ,in work place by adopting healthy lifestyles and implementing the same in day to day life.


Health care education

How We Treat you


At the heart of the wellness program lies the creation of successful wellness programs designed both at the individual level and organizational/community level.
Lot of factors are taken into due consideration and analysed before creation of each program.


Al the enrolled aspirants are assigned to wellness coaches-whose primary objective is to keeping track of progression made by you and assist you in every single step ypu take during the entore process.


Its imperative to say that the success rate of every other program not only depends upon the way its implemented but also decided by how well a programs engages its aspirants through out the implementation process.


Not only the programs are designed and developed by the healthcare expertise ,but the participants are continuously monitored of their progress .


The results of the reports and daily updates are shared with the prospective participants on real time.


Dedicated helpline center is available for your service .