Healthy Heart Program


 The primary goal of heathy hearts is to screen al the risk factors associated with heart diseases,suggest suitable lifestyle changes, advise to consume balanced diet and there by decreasing the heart diseases both at individual and community level.
In addition,it also focuses on empowering al its stake holders with the latest and relevant information interms of keeping the hearts healthy.

Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

When you choose healthy behaviors, you can lower your heart disease risk while also preventing other serious chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes and some kinds of cancer.

1. Learn Your Health History

Know your risks and talk to your family and doctor about your health history.

2. Eat a Healthy Diet

Make healthy food choices likemore fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, lean meats, and low-fatdairy products. Eat less salt,saturated fat, and added sugar.

3. Move More, Sit Less

Get at least 150 minutes ofmoderate-intensity aerobicactivity every week, plusmuscle-strengthening activitiesat least 2 days a week.

4. Quit Smoking

Call any health care service number NOW for free help and take the first step on your journey to quit.

5. Take Medicines as Directed

If you take medicine to treat high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. Always ask questions if you don’t understand something. Never stop taking your medicine without talking to your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.

6. Choose Your Drinks Wisely

Substitute water for sugary drinks toreduce calories. If you drink alcohol,do so in moderation by limitingconsumption to no more than1 drink a day for women (2 for men) on days that alcohol is consumed.

7.  Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home

Self-measured blood pressure monitors are easy and safe to use, and your doctor can show you how to use one if you need help.